where are my brother's & sister's in arms...
where are my brother's & sister's in arms...
Honoring "Leave No One Behind" Oath
Our Vision:
... a community where no veteran is left to struggle alone, where each one has a safe place to call home, supportive services to heal, and a chance to become a productive part of the community, Again!
Let us paint you our story...
As veteran's who have seen firsthand the struggles that veterans face after their service, this project is more than just a mission; it’s our life’s purpose. Every home we build represents hope, dignity, and a chance for our brothers & sisters in-arms to find peace.
We've met veterans who, despite their bravery and sacrifices, find themselves without a place to call home. These men and women are more than statistics—they’re our neighbors, friends, and family. They deserve more than just our gratitude; they deserve our unwavering support.
We envision a community where no veteran is left to struggle alone, where each one has a safe place to sleep, supportive services to heal, and a network of fellow veterans who understand their journey. This isn’t just about building homes...
it’s about rebuilding lives. With your help, we can turn this vision into reality. Every contribution is a step closer to ensuring that no veteran is left behind. Together, we can create a community that honors their service by giving them the chance to rebuild their lives.
Unlike other initiatives, our project is built on the belief that veterans heal best when they’re surrounded by a supportive community of their peers. By building these homes, we’re not just providing shelter; we’re creating a space where veterans can find the understanding and camaraderie they need to thrive.
This isn’t just a project for SOVC—it’s a lifelong commitment. We won’t stop until every veteran in our communities have a safe place to call home. This is a promise we've made to ourselves, to the veterans we serve, and to the future we’re building together.
Our mission extends across Ohio, providing housing solutions and supportive services to veterans from every corner—from the bustling cities to the rural areas. By building tiny home communities and offering comprehensive support services, we strive to reach veterans statewide, ensuring that no veteran is left behind.
DAV is disheartened to learn of the more than 7.4% increase in veteran homelessness, including a 14% rise in unsheltered veterans in the point-in-time count from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Last month, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced its goal of permanently housing 38,000 veterans, a full two months early. However, those efforts were not enough to overcome the largest yearly jump in veteran homelessness since federal officials started tracking more than a decade ago.
While the VA has made significant strides since 2010 in reducing the overall number of homeless veterans with a 55.3% drop, more needs to be done to fully address the severity of this nationwide housing crisis.
We have learned what works and know that ending veteran homelessness is possible. But it’s only possible when our nation chooses to fully invest in programs and systems that work—emergency rental assistance, preservation and expansion of affordable housing stock, implementation and enforcement of comprehensive tenant protections and leaders willing to treat this issue like the emergency that it is.
If not, our nation will continue to struggle with ending veteran homelessness.
Programs that operate under a Housing First Approach recognize that almost no goal can be achievable while basic needs like housing are unavailable. Housing is always the first action plan!
This is where non-profits and community step in to fill that gap.
Mental health services and other needs will be addressed at SOVC with the VA in Dayton, Columbus, Ohio and community care specialist that partner with the VA for the veterans we house.
Our commitment transcends mere shelter; we will empower veterans with practical skills through hands-on training in building and home repairs, specifically to go into surrounding communities to assist elderly and disabled veterans. The elderly & veterans will receive essential home repairs at no cost, ensuring their living spaces are safe and accessible. Furthermore, our gardening programs will equip veterans with the knowledge to cultivate their own produce, fostering self-reliance and enabling them to give back to the communities by sharing their harvest.
DIY Mud Mixer Review on a Disabled Veteran house (youtube.com)
This space will provide an opportunity for support. Those suffering from PTSD can socialize and share their feelings, their story, and the space.
The idea here is to allow veterans to get lost in something other than their own stressful thoughts and feelings.
Garden therapy taps into the benefits of being “nearby nature” to create positive feelings and experiences with hands-on activities to help the person “stay in the moment” allowing “talk therapy” to reshape the individual’s narrative. It has been long known that nature can provide an environment of safety by soothing and tempering the emotions, producing feelings of calm and trusting responses. This allows a positive backdrop for treatment.
Gardening activities give the individual a sense of control and can help with the cognitive reframing that explores the difference between “the here and now” with the memory of trauma. Recollection of the positive associations made with the gardening activities can then be imagined when symptoms arise for the individual, the process of deconstructing the past experience followed by reconstructive self-talk that establishes new responses can become effective in the on-going treatment of PTSD, Addiction and other issues our veterans deal with.
Support Our Veterans Co is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization
registered in the state of Ohio. EIN 88-3997893
Support Our Veterans Corporation has and will continue to strive to bring people from different cultures, backgrounds, together. It's a commitment that creates a better community.
Copyright © 2022 Support Our Veterans Corporation - All Rights Reserved.
We imagine a world where every veteran has a home.